Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Would each micro-church meet once or twice a week?

In the New Testament, we find that the churches got together daily (see Acts 2:41-47). This doesn’t mean that they had a formal meeting every day. It means that they did life together (they ate together, they served each other, they hung out together, they served others together, etc.). The principle we draw from the Bible is that the church isn’t meeting centered—its relationship centered. We should focus on doing life together instead of attending meetings.


As far as “formal meetings” go, each micro-church in the network would meet sometime on Sunday. This is when each church gathers to participate in the Lord’s Supper, pray, for teaching, to collect their offering, etc. Because of 21st century work schedules, a church may find that they cannot gather on a Sunday for this purpose. A church in this situation should then find the next best time to meet for this purpose.

Apart from their Sunday gathering, each group will determine for themselves if they’ll meet more often during the week. We’ll encourage groups to “formally” meet one more time during the week. The purpose for any additional meetings could range from “community time” to strengthen relationships, “compassion/commission time” to pray for their neighborhood and plan/carry out service projects, etc. Between any “formal meetings”, each group should make intentional efforts to do life together—eat together, hang out together, etc. In many instances, it may not be the entire group—it may be couples from the group getting together, the guys/girls from the group getting together, etc.


Getting together on Sunday (or as close to it as possible) is a must. Beyond that, each church is free to determine their need for any additional “meetings”, and how to best do life together between meetings.

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