Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What would the monthly network celebrations look like?

Currently, our Sunday AM Connection consists of a time of music, the Lord’s Supper, a sermon, the offering, announcements, and sometimes something a little “off the wall” that relates to the sermon.

In these monthly network celebrations we will still retain some of those elements, But instead of a 30-40 minute sermon, we’ll spend that time celebrating what God is doing in the network—video/pictures of COMPASSION/COMMISSION events that each church is doing in their communities, baptism videos, videos/live “testimonies” from people in each group about how God is transforming their lives through Discovery. We’ll also do some vision casting—a time reminding us of our mission, our vision for the communities that each church is in, etc. We may also do some networking—a time for the groups to interact with each other and “network”: sharing ideas, strategies, forming partnerships. We may also spend some time equipping—helping groups develop the tools and skills to be a more effective church. We’ll also spend some time developing COMMUNITY between the churches—we may do a big meal at some of our celebrations, etc. To sum up, we’ll connect with God by celebrating what He’s doing in our network of churches.

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