Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How will the leaders of each micro-church work together?

Currently, our Community Group leaders get together once a month for a Leadership Huddle. During this time, we discuss how our groups are “winning”—how are they making new friends, doing life together, and discovering God’s core values for their life. Any stories shared are anonymous—no real names are used, just “Jack” and “Jill.” There’s also some teaching time, in which we talk about an aspect of group life and how we can apply it to our groups. We also spend some time praying—for each other, for our groups. This huddle time will become even more important after we transition.

We currently have 4 community groups. Two of these groups will continue to meet during the week in addition to their Sunday gathering. Our men’s and women’s groups will combine to form one micro-church on Sunday and will continue to “sub-group” during the week for their 2nd meeting. So at the new huddles, we’ll have the leaders of two churches, and the “sub-group” leaders from the other church. This, however, won’t have a big effect on the dynamics of our huddle—we’ll still focus on our wins, spend time praying, and look at ways to improve “micro-church life.”

In addition to that, we’ll encourage the leaders to “network” with each other—for combining church to do bigger COMPASSION and COMMISSION projects, for getting churches together to do life together outside of our monthly network celebration, etc.

The ultimate goal is for each church to have an elder(s)—godly men who oversee their church, and who work together with elders from the other churches to form the Leadership Team for the network.